Sample Branch Message to Substitute Teachers
TO: Substitute Teacher
On behalf of the (insert branch name) Branch of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association, I extend a welcome to you as a member of our branch for this school year. You have been officially registered as a member of this branch in accordance with our recent registration of substitute teachers and the Substitute Teacher Registration Form submitted on your behalf.
In accordance with the NLTA By-Laws, substitute teachers are full active members of the NLTA and, as such, are entitled to all rights and privileges of NLTA membership. If you have not yet registered go to the website at and complete the “Member Information Form” found in the “Forms” section. To also request an NLTA Membership Card, click on “NLTA Membership Card” and follow the instructions. A membership card will be forwarded to you. Other information related to substitute teachers can be found under “Member Services” on the NLTA website. To contact a member of the NLTA Staff, please telephone: 709-726-3223 or 1-800-563-3599 or send an email to
As a member of our branch, you are entitled to participate fully in all branch activities. We invite you to attend branch meetings and to contact any member of the branch executive if you require any information on what is happening in the branch. Further information on branch meetings/activities may be obtained from the NLTA school representative in any school(s) where you substitute. In addition, check the staff room bulletin board for notices of meetings, etc. Through involvement in the branch structure, you will have an opportunity to give voice to your concerns and opinions as a substitute teacher.
To facilitate your communications with the branch executive, we have designated an executive contact for each substitute. Your contact on the branch executive is:
Executive Position:
Telephone: (H) (S)
E-Mail Address:
If you require any information, please call your contact. We hope to see you at our next branch meeting.
Branch President