E. Political Action
1. Subject to NLTA By-Laws, the Association supports the right of each of its members to participate in the democratic process of our society, to be active in any political party of their choice, and to seek and hold public office. [Dec/4/20]
2. The Association will maintain a position of independence from specific political party affiliations.
3. The Association will seek avenues of making representations, both formally and informally, to all political parties and other interest groups.
4. The Association will strive to keep its members and the community fully informed on educational development and issues and the policy of the Association with respect to these.
5. Specifically, the Association will:
a) normally employ the influence approach in political action as opposed to that of confrontation;
b) work within the political system to influence decisions affecting education and teachers, both locally and provincially;
c) seek to influence the educational policies of political organizations when appropriate and possible;
d) seek to influence the educational policies of other organizations;
e) maintain contact with all major political parties;
f) organize members for political action activities and plan programmes for educating members in the political process; [Jun/10/22]
g) be prepared to take a stand on issues which directly affect students and learning;
h) monitor the proceedings of the legislature and provide information on educational issues to both government and opposition legislators and to members of the Association.
6. At the local level the Association will work through the branch structure to:
a) actively encourage branches to undertake political education programmes and action programmes at the local level;
b) provide assistance and advice to branches undertaking political involvement programmes at the local level;
c) permit branches to speak publicly on local issues of concern to them, in particular, at the school board and provincial levels, after having determined that their statements are not in conflict with that of Association policy. [Mar/3-4&6/83]