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The Deaf and Hard of Hearing/Blind and Visually Impaired Council, a special interest council of the NLTA, is a professional learning community that provides a collective voice and future professional growth for itinerants who work with students who have hearing loss or visual impairment.. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas re the NLTA Special Interest Councils, contact Darlene Johnson, Administrative Officer – Programs & Services by calling 726-3223 or toll-free at 1-800-563-3599, ext. 241.

Who are we?

Our SIC is composed of Itinerant Teachers for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing,  Classroom Teachers for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Teachers for the Blind and Visually Impaired and Auditory Verbal Therapists.

Who can become a member?

Anyone who is a certified Itinerant Teacher for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Classroom Teacher for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Teacher for the Blind and Visually Impaired or Auditory Verbal Therapist can become a member of our SIC whether or not you are currently employed in the field.  We also accept students who are enrolled in the Masters program or professionals completing the Auditory Verbal Training.  If you are interested in joining our SIC, please email

Why become a special interest council?

We are such a small group and our skill set and expertise is so specific that despite wanting to join an SIC, we didn’t quite fit anywhere.  Our membership strives to provide the best service to our students.  In order to do that, we first need to be able to network with our peers.  More often than not, you are the only DHH, BVI itinerant or AVT in your building and even if there are others, you could go weeks without seeing a colleague as we are in different schools.  This can be very isolating.  An SIC allows us the opportunity to network across the province.  Second, we felt that as a cohesive unit, we could seek out and participate in PL that was specific to our roles, that was up to date in the latest technologies and teaching techniques, and that made us feel inspired.  Finally, our voice is so small and we are so unique that we felt the need to bring awareness to our field.  It is vital to the success of our students that schools are aware of the services we provide and how to avail of them.  We also felt that visibility might create more interest in the field and motivate more teachers to train to become  Itinerant Teachers for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Classroom Teachers for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Teaches for the Blind and Visually Impaired or Auditory Verbal Therapists.

What are our goals?

Our main goal is to provide applicable PL to our members in topics that interest and inspire them.  We also want to give a voice to our members and to highlight for everyone the important work that we do.

How can you connect with us?

X: NLTA Teachers for the DHH/BVI SIC

This SIC may be small but we are mighty, and the work that we do is invaluable to the success of our students. We are proud of our students and their accomplishments and their ability to rise above their hearing loss or visual impairment and the challenges that they face and we are proud to be their teachers.

Kelly Cribb – President
Jacqueline Kelly – Vice President
Kerri Peet Somerton – Secretary
Kelly Manning/Jaime Brazil – Treasurer
Laura Downton – Communications

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