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For Immediate Release
February 13, 2019

NLTA Janeway Day in the Schools 2019

St. John’s NL… On Thursday, February 14, students and teachers across Newfoundland and Labrador will donate recess money to the Janeway Child Health Center. Janeway Day in the Schools provides an opportunity for children throughout the province to help other children.

“Teachers and students have supported Janeway Day in the Schools since 1986 and we are very proud of the outcome,” says Dean Ingram, President of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association. “Over $1,152,440 has been donated to the Janeway Child Health Center from children’s recess money and the fund-raising efforts of our students and teachers. We are quite proud of this achievement.”

Janeway Day in the Schools is an annual fund-raising event sponsored by the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association.

Note: In the event of a school closure due to poor weather, schools may hold Janeway Day at their discretion.

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For further information contact:
Lesley-Ann Browne, NLTA Communications, Tel: 709-726-3223, ext. 228; 682-3751 (cellular). CLICK HERE to send an email.