Nominations for NLTA President and Vice-President and Provincial Executive Council
Nominations and elections for the office of President or Vice-President of the NLTA are governed by By-Law XII and By-Law XV of the NLTA By-Laws, and nominations for the Provincial Executive are governed by By-Law XI. Such nominations must be submitted on the approved nomination form.
The term of office of the President and Vice-President shall be for a two-year period from August 1 in the year following the year the President and Vice-President are elected to July 31 of the second year following.
The term of office of the Executive Council shall be for a two-year period from August 1 in the year the Council is elected to July 31 of the second year following.
Please click on the following link for a nomination kit for the office of NLTA President and Vice-President or the nomination kit for Provincial Executive. Additional copies are available from the Executive Assistant, Governance, at the NLTA Office.