B. Executive of NLTA
1. The authority, duties, and guidelines for the nomination of the Provincial Executive Council is governed by the NLTA Act and the By-Laws of the Association.
2. Guides to the Conduct of Executive Meetings
- All meetings of the Executive are to be governed by “Advice on the Conduct of Meetings” published by CTF, and supplemented by “Robert’s Rules of Order”.
- A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for Executive meetings, other than the President, may be elected annually by Executive.
- The role of parliamentarian will be filled by a member of the Administrative Staff to be appointed through consultation between the President and the Executive Director. They shall act as parliamentarian for the Biennial Convention. [Jan/11/02] JC Feb/02] [2003 BGM]
- The Chairperson will call meetings to order on the appointed time and sessions will resume at the appointed time.
- Committee reports shall consist of written minutes and pertinent documentation with written recommendations requiring Executive action presented on a sheet attached to the front of the minutes. The Chair will permit discussion on the recommendations only. Questions for information will be entertained. Committee decisions which do not require the approval of Executive will not be included as recommendations to Executive but will appear on a summary sheet attached to the front of the minutes, following the recommendation sheet. [June/6/97]
- Every possible effort shall be made to dispose of business arising from committee reports at the meeting at which they are submitted, and failing that, these shall be discussed at the next Executive meeting in order of presentation.
- All written reports are to be sent to Executive with the regular monthly agenda and recommendations arising out of these reports shall receive priority at the subsequent Executive meeting.
- The Chairperson may call a Committee of the Whole in order to expedite the processing of involved matters.
- An Executive member shall withdraw from discussion of any matter in which they have a personal interest or which is concerned with their position as a teacher.
- Members of the Executive will be provided with the opportunity to have their votes at Executive meetings recorded if they so desire. [Mar/4-5/94] [1994 AGM]
- Alternate Executive members elected at Convention are to be kept informed of Executive business so that they will be knowledgeable in the event they are appointed to Executive at a later date.
3. Conflict of Interest Guidelines
A conflict of interest is deemed to arise when an elected member of the Provincial Executive Council:
- is involved in receiving remuneration of any amount from a business arrangement with the Association. (The business arrangement will be terminated immediately on the member assuming office.)
- is involved in holding an elected position with provincial government, school trustees, or any organization doing business with the Association,
- has an interest in a matter before Executive distinct from any interest arising from the functions as a member of Executive.
When a conflict is deemed to have arisen, the member involved:
- shall immediately notify the President and the Provincial Executive Council,
- shall not participate in discussion and shall withdraw when any item is being discussed by the Executive or any of its committees which the President considers a conflict,
- shall not solicit information on any such item,
- shall not be provided any information on any such items by any committee or Executive member or employee. [Oct/14-15/93] [1994 AGM]