S. Association Awards
1. Presentation of Provincial Awards Outside of BGM
a) During a non-Convention year, award recipients will be presented with their awards at an occasion to be determined by the provincial President. Award recipients from both the non-Convention and Convention years will be invited to the Biennial General Meeting where their awards will be recognized and presented. If an award recipient is residing outside of the province at the time the award is to be presented at BGM, the maximum travel expenses paid will be limited to travel expenses in accordance with NLTA policy to the BGM site from the award recipient’s place of residence within the province at the time of winning the award. [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98] [Jan/17/03] [JC Feb/03] [2003 BGM]
b) i) When awards are presented at a branch/council function, such as a year-end or retirement dinner, the Association will reimburse the branch/council for the cost of the meals for the award recipient and spouse/guest and the NLTA President/designate and guest.
ii) When awards are presented at a special function, such as at the award recipient’s school or a branch/council function for that specific purpose, the Association will pay the actual cost up to $150.
iii) Amounts to be reimbursed will come from the Additional Branch Projects Budget if monies are available there. [Apr/19/02] [JC Nov/02] [2003 BGM]
2. The Bancroft Award
The Bancroft Award, named in honour of James Frederick Bancroft, the first President of NLTA, was established in 1980, the 90th anniversary of the Association, to recognize outstanding service by teachers at the branch level.
a) Nomination Procedure
i) Nominations must come from branches and are open to any active branch member and to retired teachers within two years after retirement from teaching. [1996 AGM]
ii) Nominations must be made at a general branch meeting and receive the support of the majority of those present.
iii) Nominations are to be submitted on the approved nomination form. Criteria to be submitted with nominations include:
- offices held at branch level and for how long;
- other branch positions/appointments;
- projects initiated or led by nominee;
- other information considered pertinent to branch service;
- the names and addresses of two individuals who would be able to provide references concerning the nomination. These could be the names of current or former officers of the branch or a branch member who is familiar with the nominee’s achievements. [Jan/17-18/08] [JC Apr/08] [2009 BGM]
iv) All nominations must be received by the Association by January 31. [1992 AGM] [2021 BGM]
v) Unsuccessful nominees in any year will be automatically re-nominated for the two subsequent years following the original nomination, subject to the limit of two years following retirement for nominations of retired teachers. [1996 AGM] [June/14-15/96]
b) Provincial Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will be the Membership Benefits and Services Committee. [Aug/21-22/98]
c) Guidelines for Selection
i) The selection of each award recipient is to be based on a clear majority vote of the Committee;
ii) Selection of each recipient is to be made by Executive on the recommendation of the Membership Benefits and Services Committee;
iii) In addition to a study of the materials submitted by the branch, the Committee, or the staff consultant to the Committee, may conduct interviews with nominees and/or branch personnel.
iv) Specific guidelines drawn up by the Committee must receive Executive approval.
d) Presentation
i) A maximum of three awards may be presented each year. [1986 AGM]
ii) Each award recipient will be presented with a ring and a plaque.
iii) The President of the Association shall announce the recipient(s) at least two weeks prior to Convention and, in a non-Convention year, at a convenient time following the Executive meeting at which the award recipient is approved. [Jan/9- 10/98] [JC Feb/98] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
iv) The recipient(s) will be notified by the President, by telephone and letter. A copy of the letter will be forwarded to the recipient’s Director of Education and school principal. [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98]
v) Announcements, containing information on the recipient and the award, will appear in The Bulletin as well as all NLTA social media channels. Award recipients will also be announced through targeted online advertising on media websites (i.e.: VOCM) [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98] [Jun/10/22]
vi) All nominees for the award will be sent a letter of recognition by the President. [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98]
3. The Barnes Award
The Barnes Award, named in honour of Dr. Arthur Barnes, the first Minister of Education in the province who, in 1928, initiated a number of teacher conferences to promote excellence in education, was established in 1987 to recognize outstanding professional development services provided by teachers at the special interest council level.
a) Nomination Procedure
i) Nominations must come from provincial special interest councils or branches and are open to any member of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association who is active in the special interest council structure of the Association and to any retired teacher within two years of retirement from teaching who was active in the special interest council structure. [Sept/29- 30/00][JC Oct/00] [Jan/18-20/01] [JC Feb/01] [2001 BGM] [Oct/31&Nov/2/13] [JC Nov/13] [2015 BGM]
ii) Nominations are to be completed and submitted online on the approved nomination form. Nomination forms will be available on the NLTA website and will include all necessary guidelines and regulations governing the award. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00] [2001 BGM] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM] [Oct/23&25/14] [2015 BGM]
iii) All nominations must be received by the Association by January 31. [Feb/14&16/02] [JC Feb/02] [2003 BGM] [2021 BGM]
iv) Unsuccessful nominees in any year will be automatically re-nominated for the two subsequent years following the original nomination, subject to the limit of two years following retirement for nominations of retired teachers. [Feb/14&16/02] [JC Feb/02] [2003 BGM] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM] [Oct/31&Nov/2/13] [JC Nov/13] [2015 BGM]
b) Selection Committee
The recommendation for the Barnes Award recipient will be made to the Provincial Executive by the Professional Issues Committee.
c) Presentation
i) A maximum number of one award will be presented each year.
ii) Each recipient will be presented with a ring and a plaque. [Jan/8-9/99] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09]
iii) The President of the Association shall announce the recipient(s) at least two weeks prior to Convention and, in a non-Convention year, at a convenient time following the Executive meeting at which the award recipient is approved. [Jan/9- 10/98] [JC Feb/98] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
iv) The recipient will be notified by the President, by telephone and letter. A copy of the letter will be forwarded to the recipient’s Director of Education and school principal. [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98]
v) Announcements, containing information on the recipient and the award, will appear in The Bulletin as well as all NLTA social media channels. Award recipients will also be announced through targeted online advertising on media websites (i.e.: VOCM. [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98] [Oct/23&25/14] [2015 BGM] [Jun/10/22]
vi) All nominees for the award will be sent a letter of recognition by the President. [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98]
4. The Allan Bishop Award
The Allan Bishop Award was established in 1991 to recognize outstanding service to NLTA at the provincial level and is named in honour of Allan Bishop, a former President and General Secretary of NLTA.
a) Nomination Procedure
i) Nominations may come only from branches, special interest councils, Joint Council or Provincial Executive and are open to any active or life members of NLTA except that:
- Current members of the Provincial Executive are ineligible for the award.
A provincial past-president of NLTA is ineligible for the award within three years of their presidency. [Mar/5-6/99]
ii) Nominations are to be submitted on the approved nomination form. Criteria to be submitted with nominations include:
- offices held at the provincial level of NLTA (with relevant dates);
- other NLTA appointments and offices held (with relevant dates);
- projects initiated or led by nominee (with relevant dates);
- other information considered pertinent;
- the names and addresses of two individuals who would be able to provide references concerning the nomination. These could be the names of current or former officers of the branch or a branch member who is familiar with the nominee’s achievements. [Jan/17-18/08] [JC Apr/08] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
iii) All nominations must be received by the Association by January 31. [Feb/20/03] [2003 BGM] [2021 BGM]
b) Provincial Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will be the Membership Benefits and Services Committee. [Aug/21-22/98]
c) Guidelines for Selection
i) The basic criteria for the award shall be service to NLTA at the provincial level.
ii) The selection of the award recipient is to be based on clear majority vote of the Committee.
iii) Selection of the recipient is to be made by Executive on the recommendation of the Membership Benefits and Services Committee.
iv) In addition to a study of the materials submitted by the branch or council, the Committee, or the staff consultant to the Committee, may conduct interviews with nominees and/or branch personnel.
v) Specific guidelines drawn up by the Committee must receive Executive approval.
d) Presentation
i) A maximum of one award may be presented each year.
ii) Each award recipient will be presented with a gift and a plaque. [June/14-15/91]
iii) The President of the Association shall announce the recipient at least two weeks prior to Convention and, in a non-Convention year, at a convenient time following the Executive meeting at which the award recipient is approved. [Jan/9- 10/98] [JC Feb/98] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
iv) The recipient will be notified by the President, by telephone and letter. A copy of the letter will be forwarded to the recipient’s Director of Education and school principal. [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98]
v) Announcements, containing information on the recipient and the award, will appear in The Bulletin as well as all NLTA social media channels. Award recipients will also be announced through targeted online advertising on media websites (i.e.: VOCM). [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98] [Jun/10/22]
vi) All nominees for the award will be sent a letter of recognition by the President. [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98]
5. The President’s Award
a) This award may be presented to one person during a President’s two-year term of office. [Sept/26/14] [JC Nov/14] [2015 BGM]
b) Such award will be presented at the Convention during the final year of the President’s term of office.
c) For a recipient to be eligible for this award, they must:
i) be, or have been, an active member in good standing of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association for at least five years.
ii) have served the Association at the provincial, branch, or executive level or within the special interest council structure.
iii) be recognized amongst their peers as a teacher who has given of themself to the Association.
iv) be recognized amongst their peers as an exemplary educator in the profession.
d) The award will consist of an appropriately engraved watch and a suitably worded plaque to be presented to the recipient at the BGM during the second year of a President’s term. (Approximate cost $500.)
e) The name of the recipient will be presented to the Provincial Executive at its February meeting for information.
f) The Executive will maintain the right not to have the proposed individual given the President’s award by motion at the February Executive meeting, provided such motion is accompanied by extraordinary reasons for the deletion of the person’s name.
g) The President will retain the option of presenting an alternate name(s) should a proposed recipient be refused by the Provincial Executive. [June/8-9/90] [1991 AGM]
6. The Special Recognition Award
The NLTA Special Recognition Award, instituted by Johnson Inc. to recognize the 100th anniversary of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association, is presented annually to an active or life member of the NLTA who, while a teacher in the province, made a major contribution to the cultural, social and/or the community life of Newfoundland and Labrador. The award will recognize contributions in the areas of the arts (music/literature/visual arts), community service and/or municipal politics. Consideration will be given to contributions towards and achievements in the areas of music, literature, visual arts, community involvement and leadership, service organizations, youth programs, church and church organizations, municipal politics, etc. Nominees may have demonstrated outstanding achievement in a particular field of endeavour or a variety of achievements in various fields.
a) Guidelines for Selection
i) The basic criteria for the award shall be outstanding achievements in, and contribution to Newfoundland and Labrador community service, social and/or cultural endeavour.
ii) Selection of the recipient will be made by the Provincial Executive Council upon the recommendation from the Membership Benefits and Services Committee. The recommendation to Executive is to be based on a clear majority vote of the committee.
b) Nomination Procedure
i) Nominations may come only from NLTA branches and must be approved at a general branch meeting. [Jun/14-15/91]
ii) Any active or life member of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association is eligible for nomination. [Jun/14-15/91]
iii) Nominations are to be submitted on the approved nomination form. Information to be submitted with the nomination will include:
- Curriculum vitae;
- Detail of nominee’s existing projects, participation, achievements, recognition, commendations, awards or honours;
- An outline of the nominee’s particular achievements in and contributions towards community service, social and/or cultural endeavour, municipal politics;
- A list of positions, offices, or appointments held by the nominee including the dates of tenure;
- The names and addresses of three individuals who would be able to provide references concerning the nomination. These could be the names of officers of organizations in which the nominee is or has been an active member, community or church leaders, or any other persons who are familiar with the nominee’s achievements.
- Any other information or documentation supporting the nomination. [Jun/14- 15/91]
iv) One or several nominations may be submitted by an NLTA branch provided that each nomination is submitted on the proper nomination form and is approved at a general branch meeting in accordance with By-Law IX.D. of the NLTA By-Laws. [Jun/14-15/91]
v) All nominations must be received by the Association by January 31. [Jun/14- 15/91] [Feb/20/03] [2003 BGM] [2021 BGM]
vi) Unsuccessful nominees in any year will be automatically re-nominated for the two subsequent years following the original nomination.[Feb/14&16/02] [JC Feb/02]
c) Provincial Selection Committee
The selection committee will be the Membership Benefits and Services Committee. [Aug/21-22/98]
d) Presentation of the Award
i) A maximum of one award may be presented annually.
ii) The award recipient will be presented with:
- An “NLTA Special Recognition Award” plaque.
- A cash award of $1,000 provided by Johnson Inc. [Aug/23-25/90]
iii) The President of the Association shall announce the recipient at least two weeks prior to Convention and, in a non-Convention year, at a convenient time following the Executive meeting at which the award recipient is approved. [Jan/9- 10/98] [JC Feb/98] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
iv) The recipient will be notified by the President, by telephone and letter. A copy of the letter will be forwarded to the recipient’s Director of Education and school principal. [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98]
v) Announcements, containing information on the recipient and the award, will appear in The Bulletin as well as all NLTA social media channels. Award recipients will also be announced through targeted online advertising on media websites (i.e.: VOCM). [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98] [Jun/10/22]
vi) All nominees for the award will be sent a letter of recognition by the President. [Jan/9-10/98] [JC Feb/98]
vii) Expenses (in accordance with NLTA standards) for travel, accommodations, and meals in order for the nominee and their spouse to attend the presentation ceremony will be reimbursed up to $1,000 upon submission to Johnson Inc. either directly or through the NLTA. [Aug/23-25/90]
7. The Patricia Cowan Award for Support and Promotion of Education
The Patricia Cowan Award, named in honour of the first female president of the NLTA, was established in 2007 to recognize individuals or groups outside the K-12 school system for their outstanding contribution to teachers and to the teaching profession, either through their role as advocates or through a relationship with the NLTA resulting in a positive impact on teaching and learning.
a) The award may be presented to one person during the President’s term of office.
b) The award will be formally presented at the Convention during the final year of the President’s term of office.
c) In order to be considered for the award, the individual or group must have had a sustained relationship/partnership with the NLTA over a period of time.
d) A list of potential recipients will be generated by the Executive for the consideration of the President, who would then determine the award recipient.
e) The award will take the form of a piece of artwork, the original to be kept at 3 Kenmount Road, with a reproduction being awarded to the recipient.
f) Announcements, containing information on the recipient and the award, will appear in The Bulletin as well as all NLTA social media channels. Award recipients will also be announced through targeted online advertising on media websites (i.e.: VOCM). [Jun/10/22]
g) The costs associated with the award will be taken from the Centennial Fund. [Nov/23&25/06] [Feb/21-23/07] [2007 BGM]