S. Technology in Education
- The NLTA supports the use of technology as an instructional tool for teachers.
- The NLTA should be represented at all decision-making levels regarding the application of technology for education.
- The essence of teaching is a personal, pedagogical relationship between teacher and student which cannot be replaced by technology.
- Decisions regarding the use of technology in education must be guided by the following principles:
a) the enhancement of teaching, learning and the pedagogical relationship.
b) equity and accessibility for all students and teachers.
c) the development of active, involved citizens of a democratic society.
d) feasibility and economic sustainability over time.
e) financial support without compromise to other aspects of the education system.
- The NLTA supports ongoing, collaborative, job-embedded, personalized teacher professional learning in technology for education. Learning initiatives, over time, will encompass a variety of strategies, such as face-to-face sessions, to accommodate individual learning styles and needs.
- The NLTA supports the establishment of partnerships with individuals and organizations that share compatible goals, to maximize resources and opportunities for teacher professional learning in technology for education.
- Teachers must have primary involvement in the design, development and selection of instructional materials that accompany technology in education, and they must receive adequate time and compensation for work involved in the development of related resources.
- The NLTA supports the principles of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). These principles are outlined in the NLTA Privacy Policy.
- The NLTA endorses the principles outlined in Copyright Matters! Some Key Questions and Answers for Teachers – Current Edition.
- Digital instructional materials developed by the Department of Education should include adequate provision for reproduction and revision at the school level.
- The Department of Education should provide sustainable funding for technology in the following areas:
a) acquisition, maintenance, upgrading and replacement of technology for schools.
b) licensing and instructional development.
c) teacher professional learning.
d) research.
e) district technical support personnel.
f) technology for education support personnel available for each school.
- Certificated teaching personnel, representing both the school districts and schools, will collaborate and serve as the final authority for the administration, application and monitoring of technology for education and the provincial distance education program.
- The effective use of technology for education requires:
a) equitable access to the technology for all students.
b) equal opportunity for each student to learn.
c) evidence that the student’s learning needs are appropriately met.
d) the potential for technology to enhance the practice of teaching and learning.
e) an appropriate student-teacher ratio and teaching assignment.
f) teacher control of the instructional program and the use of technology.
g) the opportunity for face-to-face contact with the teacher.
h) access to equitable instructional time available in traditional instructional programs.
i) timely and effective professional learning, resources and technical supports for the teacher in the use of the technology for education.
- Technology for education can have a positive impact on teaching and learning when used appropriately and with the following necessary conditions in place:
a) vision for the role of technology in public education.
b) identification of appropriate curriculum connections.
c) access to state-of-the-art technology and connectivity.
d) timely access to technical support.
e) adequate time during the instructional day for teachers to learn about technology and to develop technology-supported instruction.
f) government funding that addresses the total cost of technology for education.
g) school organization and culture that supports effective teaching and learning.
h) policies at the department, district and school levels that support the appropriate integration of technology.
i) consideration for the well-being of students.
j) acknowledgment of and support for the diverse learning needs of students.
k) consideration of the latest research related to technology for education.
- Elementary and secondary curricula must include the development of critical literacy related to the role of technology in a democratic society.
- Teacher as facilitator is the preferred option for most students.
- School boards should recognize that the nature of distance learning imposes its own set of unique responsibilities on teachers, which must be recognized in the teacher allocation formula.
- School boards must ensure that all distance learning at school is supervised under the direction of an onsite teacher.
- Distance learning can augment and enrich traditional delivery methods for K-12 students and has the potential to extend learning opportunities for Newfoundland and Labrador students. [Mar/1-2/96] [1996 AGM] [Sept/26/14] [JC Nov/14] [2015 BGM]