Section V: Guidelines for NLTA Provincial Executive Special Interest Council Contact/Visitation
A. A member of the NLTA Provincial Executive shall be assigned as the contact person for each Special Interest Council, preferably having a background or interest in the specific Special Interest Council area.
B. When the Executive contact person is not available for regular or Special Interest Council visitations requiring extensive in-school-day travel, the President, Vice-President or a staff person shall be assigned, upon request, to assist the council president.
C. All costs associated with an Executive member’s liaison role with their assigned Special Interest Council will be the responsibility of the NLTA President’s Office. Special Interest Councils will assume no financial responsibility for any costs accrued by the Executive liaison.
D. Duties for NLTA Provincial Executive Contacts with Special Interest Councils:
- To inform Special Interest Councils which Executive members are assigned as contacts for the year. This should be done as soon as possible after the August Executive meeting and should include a brief outline of the Executive’s role as Special Interest Council contact person.
- Where feasible, and upon the approval of funds by the NLTA President, the Provincial Executive member will visit the assigned Special Interest Council at least once a year.
- To serve Special Interest Councils by being a phone/e-mail contact for instant information, clearing up difficulties, giving general advice or interpreting Association policy. The Executive contact person should contact each of their assigned Special Interest Council presidents at least once per month.
- To provide direct representation, re the interests and wishes of the Special Interest Council when requested by them, at Executive meetings.
- To fill the role of special contact with delegate(s) from assigned Special Interest Council(s) at Convention by providing clarification, advice, etc.and by introducing them to colleagues.
- To provide specific assistance, when requested, in the area of Special Interest Council planning for professional learning days.
- To report on contacts/visits with assigned Special Interest Councils at all Executive meetings.
E. Duties for Special Interest Council Presidents:
- The Special Interest Council president should ensure that the NLTA Executive contact is kept informed of Special Interest Council activities.
- The Special Interest Council president should ensure that the interests and concerns of the Special Interest Council are conveyed to the NLTA Executive contact.
F. Other Visits:
- Additional visits by the NLTA Provincial Executive contact person beyond the one official visit must be cleared with the President’s office. In all cases, funding for all visits must be approved in advance by the NLTA President.
- Visits by persons other than the assigned NLTA Provincial Executive contact must be cleared with the President’s Office, which has the responsibility for Special Interest Council operations, and may be authorized only if funds are available.