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Employee Assistance Program

For confidential assistance please contact an EAP Coordinator:
Kenda Riggs –, (709) 733-3265
Lori Hewitt –, (709) 733-3242

In general, the services offered through EAP include two components: counselling intervention which includes problem identification and referral, and wellness programming to assist teachers in developing positive health behaviours and supportive strategies to enhance well-being.

Any active, full time, replacement or substitute teacher can contact the EAP to obtain confidential help.

The full range of services include:

  • Individual assessment, problem identification, referrals for counselling and follow-up
  • Voluntary self-referrals
  • Mandatory referrals by school board
  • Consultation services regarding workplace issues
  • Referrals to other Programs and Services staff
  • Resource and promotional materials, flyers and workbooks
  • Wellness promotion

Note: Confidentiality is assured with the exception of duty to report child maltreatment, or when an individual may indicate intention to harm self or others.

There are no costs to the teacher in seeking the assistance of an EAP coordinator. However, when a referral is arranged for a teacher, there are costs for counselling (averaging $100.00-$210.00 per hour). To access this funding, the teacher must contact one of the EAP coordinators prior to seeing a counsellor.

Financial assistance is available through the Membership Assistance Fund. Each teacher is provided with $3,000 funding over the course of their career and must be an active NLTA member to be eligible for EAP Counselling Services. The program will cover private counselling up to a maximum of $40.00 per hour, and 12¢/km for travel to counselling sessions. The NLTA group insurance may also cover some additional expenses.

Due to the current high volume of referrals, EAP Coordinators are not able to accommodate wellness workshop requests at this time. Please email Ian Crewe, Assistant Executive Director, at if you would like to submit a workshop request through Programs and Services. There are no costs to the school, branch or board for an EAP coordinator to facilitate a workshop for a group of teachers.