Notice to Members
re Nomination Kits for the Office of President and Vice-President
May 15, 2020
On behalf of the NLTA Electoral Committee, the Association is pleased to open the nomination process for the offices of President and Vice-President. At BGM 2019, the Association made By-law and policy changes to allow for separate province-wide elections for the offices of President and Vice-President using a ranked electronic ballot. These changes will mean that every member in good standing will have the opportunity to vote electronically over a one week period for their candidate for each office and to provide a ranked selection of alternate candidates should a run-off election be required. These changes will eliminate the need for local collection and counting of ballots by NLTA Branches.
The election of the NLTA President will occur from November 23-27, 2020 and the election of the NLTA Vice-President will occur from December 14-18, 2020. Unsuccessful candidates for the office of President may participate in the Vice-Presidential election if they have been provisionally nominated for that office. The deadlines for nominations to be received at the NLTA office are: October 29 for Presidential nominations; and November 19 for the Vice-Presidential nominations and provisional nominations.
To assist potential candidates in more isolated communities, the Electoral Committee has also approved an online nomination form. In order to be compliant with NLTA By-laws and policy, the online nomination forms must be customized to each candidate. Candidates requiring an online nomination form should request one by contacting Steve Brooks, NLTA Executive Director. Members with questions regarding the NLTA nomination process are encouraged to contact the Executive Director at
List of All Documents in Nomination Kit:
• Applicable Sections of NLTA By-Laws
• NLTA Policy on Election of the President and Vice-President by Province-wide Vote
• NLTA Policy on Conflict of Interest Guidelines for Provincial Executive
• Province-Wide Vote Deadlines