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Guide for Planning the Branch Year

Suggested Branch Program


  • Ensure that all relevant files are passed over to the appropriate executive person.
  • Check that each school has a school representative and a contact person on the branch Executive.
  • Arrange to fill any vacant offices on branch executive.
  • Ensure that the Preliminary Branch Registration Form and the Branch Audit of Operating Accounts Form have been forwarded to NLTA Office.
  • Revise branch membership list (names of schools/board offices with list of teachers in each).
  • Branch Executive meets to plan branch program for the year.
  • Plan a “Welcome to New Teachers” event.
  • Arrange to have chairpersons for branch standing and ad hoc committees appointed and ensure that each group has the appropriate terms of reference, tasks and deadlines as applicable.
  • Review NLTA policy on Association Awards (I. Operations of the NLTA – Section S) and search for appropriate nominees.
  • Plan a meeting of school representatives.


  • Present program for year to branch membership for ratification.
  • Announce to branch members the chairpersons of standing committees and their specific tasks, etc.
  • Decide on nominees for Awards (Bancroft, Barnes, Allan Bishop and Special Recognition) and obtain approval at a general branch meeting. Continue collecting necessary documentation to support nominations.
  • Solicit topics from branch members for the first Joint Council meeting.



  • Include in a meeting agenda, a report on topics discussed at the first Joint Council meeting.
  • Deadline for receipt of the Branch Audit of Operating Accounts Form in order to receive the branch membership rebate is December 31.




  • Report from Branch Nominations Committee re candidates for branch offices.


  • Election of Branch Executive (2nd week of May).
  • Event to honour Retiring Teachers and Year-End Social


  • Last day of school is the deadline for mailing Preliminary Branch Registration Forms to Rita Tee, Accountant/Assistant, Corporate Services, at NLTA. (Even partially completed forms should be mailed.)
  • All branch files and materials should be passed over to new Executive members.

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