A. NLTA Membership
1. Active Membership
- In accordance with the provisions of the NLTA Act, and subject to Section 6(2) and Section 18 of that Act and the By-Laws of the Association, every teacher employed by a school board as defined in The Schools Act or in a private school to which Sections 43 – 49 of The Schools Act apply shall be an active member of the Association.”
- Active membership in the Association shall be in accordance with By-Law III.
- Active membership privileges for a substitute teacher, in accordance with By-Law III.B., are extended to November 30th of the school year subsequent to the school year in which the substitute teacher qualified for active membership, provided they are still available and registered for substitute teaching with a school board. [1986 AGM]
- The Provincial Executive has the authority to suspend or expel a teacher from membership in accordance with Section 18(1) of the NLTA Act.
- By-Law III. – Active Membership, Sections A.4.(c) – Classification and C.2.(c) – Fees will be applied to active teachers who are in receipt of Workers’ Compensation benefits for a period in excess of two weeks. [Feb/21-23/07] [2007 BGM]
2. Other Membership Categories
- The Association may establish other membership categories in accordance with Section 6(4) of the NLTA Act. The provisions for such categories of membership shall be established in the Association’s by-laws.
- Current by-laws provide for the additional categories of Associate Membership (By-Law IV), Life Membership (By-Law V), and Honorary Membership (By-Law VI).
- Honorary Membership
In accordance with By-Law VI, Honorary Membership may be bestowed on any person who, in the opinion of the Executive, has made a significant contribution to the cause of education. When awarded, Honorary Membership is usually presented at Convention and the recipient will receive a scroll, pin, and a gift.
3. Opting-Out Provision
Any teacher may elect to be excluded from membership in the Association on an annual basis in accordance with Section 6(2) of the NLTA Act.
4. Deduction of Fees
The payment of the annual fee by all members covered under a collective agreement, regardless of their election to be excluded from membership in the Association, is provided for in Section 7 of the NLTA Act.
5. Principles of Professional Practice
- The membership shall continue to operate within the framework of the collegial model.
- Members shall be bound by the Code of Ethics of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association as adopted, approved, and from time to time revised by the Biennial General Meeting. [1985 AGM]
6. Membership Registration
Branches should conduct registration for substitute teachers who work at least once by December 31st of that school year. All substitute teachers should register either with the branch where they reside or with the branch where they normally do the most substituting, not both.