NLTA Policy and Procedures Statements

NLTA Policy and Procedures Statements
The meaning of the word “policy” as used within the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association is confined to a declaration of the role, the philosophy, or the long-term goals of the NLTA, or of its stance or attitude in relation to matters whose resolution is beyond the legislative power of the […]

NLTA Policy Handbook

NLTA Policy Handbook
NLTA Policy and Procedures Statements


A. NLTA Membership               

Active Membership
Other Membership Categories
Opting-Out Provision
Deduction of Fees
Principles of Professional Practice
Membership Registration

B. Executive of NLTA

Guides to the Conduct of Executive Meetings
Conflict of Interest […]

EAP – B. Membership Assistance

B. Membership Assistance
Funding for membership assistance under the Employee Assistance Program, within the Programs and Services budget, may be used for, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Assisting members enrolled in the Employee Assistance Program with expenses which are not covered under other benefit programs such as medicare or group insurance or private insurance, […]

EAP – A. General

A. General
There are health and behavioural problems which have a potentially serious impact upon the lives of those members so afflicted and, in turn, their families and their job performance. This is true whether the problem is one of physical, mental, or emotional illnesses, finances, marital or family stress, alcoholism, drug abuse, legal problems, or […]

BES – HH. Harassment

HH. Harassment
Harassment exists when a person acts to irritate, distress, humiliate, or torment another. It may occur only once or on many occasions, and it takes both verbal and non-verbal forms.

Harassment of a sexual nature is unsolicited, one-sided and/or coercive behaviour which is comprised of sexual comments, gestures or physical contact that the individual knows, […]

BES – GG. Child Abuse

GG. Child Abuse

NLTA accepts the view that child abuse is a complex and inherent problem of society.

NLTA accepts as a definition of child abuse according to the Harvard Review, Vol. 43, No. 4, November 1973: “A situation in which a child is suffering from serious physical injury inflicted upon him by other than accidental […]

BES – FF. Construction, Renovation and Physical Conditions of School Buildings

FF. Construction, Renovation and Physical Conditions of School Buildings
1. General Guidelines

a) A planning committee shall be appointed prior to the beginning of the planning and design stages with equal representation from school board, teaching staff, school administration team, community stakeholders, curriculum planners, educational consultants, program specialists, architect and design consultants, and the Department of Education.

b) The […]

BES – EE. Programs and Curricula from Corporate Sources

EE. Programs and Curricula from Corporate Sources
1. Programs/Curricula Offered Within the Instructional Day

The NLTA believes that programs or curricula promoted by private enterprise, which have not been authorized by the Department of Education, should only become part of the schools’ offerings under the following conditions:

a) All programs and curricula intended for classroom use shall be subjected […]

BES – DD. Corporate/School Partnerships

DD. Corporate/School Partnerships
Philosophically the NLTA is opposed to corporate/school partnerships. However, where they do exist, such partnerships must be based on sound educational principles, built on trust and mutual respect between the contracting parties, and established under the following conditions:

Partnerships shall be based on shared objectives and a clear definition of the responsibilities of each […]

BES – CC. Employment Equity

CC. Employment Equity

NLTA views employment equity as a positive process leading to full equality between men and women in all aspects of education and employment.

NLTA recognizes that an employment equity program is one which translates equality of opportunity into equality of results by:
a) promoting the education, professional development, and career advancement of underrepresented groups.
b) […]

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