OP – U. NLTA Scholarships and Awards for Students

U. NLTA Scholarships and Awards for Students
1. NLTA Medal to MUN Students

In consultation with Memorial University, the Association will make an annual award to an Education student who, during their academic career, has made an outstanding contribution to the Faculty of Education and to the University. The recipient must be a graduating student and have a […]

OP – T. Association Liaisons

T. Association Liaisons
1. Provincial Liaison Groups

The Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association shall maintain a continuing liaison with:

a) teacher associations of the Atlantic Region through the Conference of Atlantic Provinces and Territorial Teacher Organizations;

b) the teacher associations of Canada through the Canadian Teachers’ Federation;

c) Memorial University;

d) the Department of Education through the Department Liaison Committee;

e) the […]

OP – R. Relationship With Other Employee Groups

R. Relationship With Other Employee Groups
1. NLTA should not affiliate with other employee groups nor with the Federation of Labour.

2. NLTA should maintain liaison with other employee groups to promote the cause of education and to elevate the teaching profession by discussing education and economic issues.

3. Such a program of liaison should be specifically concerned […]

OP – Q. Death of a Member

Q. Death of a Member
1. NLTA members, through the branch president, and school board personnel are requested to inform the Association of the death of an NLTA member. The NLTA will send a sympathy card, and these teachers will be recognized at the following BGM by the observing of a minute’s silence. [Nov/24-25/94] […]

OP – P. Conferences

P. Conferences
1. Guidelines Re Selection of NLTA Representatives at Conferences or Seminars

Table Officers will review each request and make decisions based on the following:
a) Within budget.
b) For the benefit of the Association and for the good the Association can do for other groups.
c) If the conference, seminar, etc., is closely related to the work of […]

OP – O. Disciplinary Procedure

O. Disciplinary Procedure
1. Disciplinary Process

The NLTA disciplinary process is a mechanism, as outlined in Sections 16 to 22 of the NLTA Act, to deal with written complaints that any active or other member of the Association is guilty of unprofessional conduct, negligence, or misconduct or has been convicted of a criminal offence by a court […]

OP – N. Professional Relations Disputes

N. Professional Relations Disputes
1. When a dispute arises between colleagues, teachers are expected to attempt resolution at the local level with attention paid to the NLTA Code of Ethics.

2. After local efforts to settle the dispute have been exhausted, a teacher may seek the assistance of the NLTA to resolve the issue by contacting an administrative […]

OP – L. Biennial General Meeting (Convention)

L. Biennial General Meeting (Convention)
The NLTA By-Laws govern the operation of the Association’s Biennial General Meeting. The following additional guidelines also apply.

1. Branches shall base the number of delegates on the maximum number of teaching positions in the schools and board offices existing within the branch boundaries at any point in time during a school […]

OP – K. Committees of NLTA

K. Committees of NLTA
The appointment of Association committees is governed by the NLTA By-Laws. The following additional guidelines apply.

1. General

a) All committees are appointed by the Executive Council and are responsible to the Executive unless there is a specific direction to the contrary from BGM.

b) Except as otherwise required or directed by the Constitution, the […]

OP – J. NLTA Special Interest Councils

J. NLTA Special Interest Councils
The NLTA Provincial Executive Council may approve the formation of special interest councils provided they meet appropriate viability criteria and have a minimum of 75 members or 50 percent of eligible members of a specialized group (e.g. program specialists, teacher librarians, speech-language pathologists, theatre arts teachers, etc.) as verified by the […]

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